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Does Indian Society treats boys and girls equally ?

 Do you think the Indian society treats boys and girls equally? JR CHOUDHARY BLOGS NO..... Most of Indians still differentiate between a boy...

 Do you think the Indian society treats boys and girls equally?


Most of Indians still differentiate between a boy and a girl. It is not just about girls being treated poorly but also boys are treated inequally than girls.

When we talk of boys, there are still many people who feel that a boy is necessary to run the family name in future and a girl being born is looked down upon. Also, a boy is given all freedom and not necessarily taught how to behave with girls.

I happened to come across an instance myself, wherein a family has 3 kids, a boy and 2 girls of ages between 4 to 6. Whenever the boy kid hits his sister the parents do not scold him at all but if the girl hits him back, the parents start scolding her that she is never supposed to hit a boy. Instead of telling the boy to never hit a girl unless her mistake and to teach a girl to never bear getting hit by anyone when you are innocent, their parents are teaching them the wrong thing. There are many such people who still follow the pathetic thinking of boy being superior to girls and it is a shame.

A girl getting raped is treated as a culprit as if the rape was her fault. Clothes of girl are blamed but not the crude actions of the rapist who would have raped any girl irrespective of clothes. A full- clothed girl is raped only as much as a girl wearing short clothes is. It is the mentality of the rapist that is to be blamed but unfortunately some ill-minded people blame girls for the same.

Now, when we talk of a girl’s part, there are many girls and women who even after being at fault are supported by the society blindly just because she is a ablanaari. If a girl slaps a guy, the people support her assuming that it must be the boy’s fault but when a boy hits a girl he is thrashed without even assuming that the girl can be at fault too. In context where if a girl is blaming a boy for misbehaviour, doesn’t necessarily mean the boy is really at fault but the society without even thinking supports the girl without caring to even listen to the guy’s side. Honestly, there are many many girls and women who are misusing the rights given to them in the name of getting harrassed or molested by men and they lead to blackmail the man and society supporting the woman blindly which makes a men to commit suicide. Indian society also fails to look upon the harrassment a boy/man goes through because of a girl/woman, wherein a girl even being harrassed is given limelight just because that is sensitive. Yes, even men are harrassed, even men go through pain because of shitty women but no one is bothered to look upon that.

Gender equality will only take place in India when boys are taught to never look down on a girl and to have respect for her in eyes and to never hit her unless her mistake and when girls are taught to never misuse the rights given to her and to never slap or hit a guy just to get support from the people even when the guy is not at fault and also when our beloved society do not blindly get sympathetic towards a girl without even listening to the boy.

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