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What is Email Validation : How does it works

  What is Email Validation : How does it works What is Email Validation In this blog today we are discussed about what is Email Validatio...


What is Email Validation : How does it works

What is Email Validation

In this blog today we are discussed about what is Email Validation and How does it work in our day-to-day life.

What is Email Validation : How does it works?

Valid email addresses are the process of any business that is looking for successful email marketing. It is very important to confirm that your list of email addresses is valid, error-free and they really exist. Errors happen sometimes when your visitors make typos with their email addresses while subscribing to your list. They may misspell their name or accidentally type two letters instead of one, which leads to an invalid email address. To skip that types of error and make a valid Email address, the best solution would be to use Email Validation.


What is Email Validation?

Email Validation is a process that verifies an email address is deliverable and valid. It also confirms if an email address has a reliable domain such as Gmail or Yahoo. This not only helps in organizing and cleaning your list of email addresses it also helps in protecting your email sender score, maximizing the efficiency of your email program.


Why You Must Validate Email Addresses

Let’s suppose you have collected various email addresses from difference sources and run an email campaign without email validation. You’ll get so much bounces for invalid email address.

More Email bounces impair your sender’s reputation, and a poor reputation means decreased email deliverability. So even if some email addresses exist, you’ll not be able to deliver the email to their inboxes. And this is the big problem for an entire email marketing team. 


How does Email Validation work?

Most email service providers (ESPs) provide  free email validation services for free. Those free tools also validate email addresses; and Pabbly Email Verification is one of them.

For Email Validation First, you need to bulk upload your list of email IDs in Email Validation tools. Email validation tools will then make some quick checks to determine whether the email addresses are valid, risky or invalid.

After validation we get following result that means-

Valid:  Valid means that the email address exists, and it is error free. This verification will be complete to the mailbox level.

Risky: Risky Email means the recipient exists but there are other factors that indicate that this address could still result in a bounce.

Invalid: If an email address is marked as invalid Email , It means that IDs contains syntax errors, DNS errors or mailbox errors.


Real Benefits of an Email Validation

Validating your emailing list before executing email marketing campaigns has its own benefits.

  1.   It increases delivery rates up to 98%, improving your email deliverability by removing all invalid email addresses from your list.
  2. It helps you to maintain a high Sender Score, increasing deliverability.
  3.  By not sending emails to invalid users, you’ll save money and increase ROI.
  4. You’ll have a higher conversion rate; more emails that arrive in inboxes means higher opens and clicks, and better performance overall.

Different ways of Email Validation

1. When a customer is typing in their email address you can add an auto-complete feature that allows them to select the appropriate email address. This reduces the error of manual entry


2. Use a third party tool like Clearout and  Pabbly Email Verification that can give you real-time feedback of whether an email address is correct or not.

3. Double opt-in is the best way to validate email addresses. If your customers sign up for your email list or newsletter, send them an email that requests them to validate by responding. Many people don't like this option, as it may reduce your overall opt-in rates, but we believe it is better to have good data. 


email conformation


Invalid email addresses create a bad reputation for your company or domain name. You’ll also waste a lot of time and resources in email marketing because of the high bounce rate. So the first thing you need to do validate your email after make an campaign or email marketing.

The process of validating email addresses is called email validation. It involves checking the spellings, format, and syntax of your email list.

I have already given some methods and tricks to validate email. Please apply and validate your email addresses by this simple way. If you have any question about this please let me know in comment box.

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