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My Blogging Story How I started And where I fail

My Blogging Story How I started And where I fail My Blogging Story How I started And where I fail I have started my blogging journey in 20...

My Blogging Story How I started And where I fail

My Blogging Story How I started And where I fail
My Blogging Story How I started And where I fail

I have started my blogging journey in 2021, when I started I have not any knowledge about blog how to start? How to write? What is article, what is indexing? I have no idea about any more. But I start by see YouTube video. And I write my first blog post which is how to link Pan Card with your Aadhar Card and that way I start. I have no idea about how to customizing my blog theme how to change a custom theme, but I believe that I can do it.


That with little knowledge I start working with it, I write two three post on different topics that I came to know it should be indexed on google. Then I start research about how to index my blog post on google. And I found many videos about google indexing. From those videos I came to know that for indexing a blog post manually I need a search console account and that account I have to set my domain as a property. I saw many videos and working and it and after few times I created my search console account and successfully add my domain on it.


After few days I checked my domain on search console and I found that my blog is started indexing on google. That moment I was so happy because I think that with that knowledge it is so hard to do for me, but I did it.  I started giving so much time on it and I gain as much as knowledge about blog. Then I came to know that blogger  may make money by adding AdSense advertise on their blog post or page.


Then I start research about google AdSense and what is it? And how to connect my blog page into it to earn money by showing advertising to my readers. Then I create a AdSense account and connect my blog on it. Then I came to know that I should apply for approval for showing ads if my account is approved then I can earn from it. And I apply for my blog post for showing ads it takes 15 day to reply me from google but my site was rejected for unevaluable content and does not meet their criteria. I was feeling bad  by reading this mail but I never give up. Then I start research for how to get AdSense approval. Then I came to know various things which I was not hear before. I came to know that  for absence approval written content much be valuable to the readers. And I have also change my blogging theme to a premium theme and also have to add some extra pages that means a lot like privacy policy, sitemap, disclaimer, about us , contact us etc. etc. after doing all the above thing I again apply for AdSense approval but for the second time they reject my site. Then I give up and it is to hard to give so much time to blogging with my job so I decide to stop. And I did.


After few months I just watching a YouTube videos and I found some videos and success story of many blogger. This make me motivate again then I decide that I should start again so I started writing content about various topics day to day and I found one thing that my post are started to indexed fast as compare to the previous months and then I improve my site as very well and I write almost 19 post successfully then I again applied to AdSense and after few days I received their mail and I saw my site was approved and ready to show ad.


This make me motivated again and I can try to give as much as time to my blogging field and finally with my blog I earn 1.32 $ in few days. But the main problem is bigger than I thought. After few days I was blank I have no idea what to write what to post and one another challenge is that I need so much organic traffic to earn form blog. This is the big challenge for all blogger. But I tried I worked 12 hours in office and in night time I give time to writing blog post few days passed but I lost my traffic due to invaluable  content. I have no idea what to write I watched may YouTube videos  but I can’t found my topic to write. Then I stop writing blog post day to day and after few days getting one topic I write a post with SEO but I noticed that that post was not indexed yet. But after that I write 3 4 post but my post stop indexing on google. For that time my post was not indexed yet. I have tried as much as I can but I unable to fixed it. I believed one day I can fixed it.


Also Read : 

How to fixed server error 5xx on google search console

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